Scripture: “For all the promises of God find their Yes in Him. That is why it is through Him that we utter our Amen to God for His glory.” – 2 Corinthians 1:20
God’s promises are the foundation of our faith. He has made countless promises throughout Scripture, and because He is faithful, we can trust that every one of them will come to pass.
Whether it’s Hispromise of provision, peace, or eternallife, we can stand firm knowing that Godis always true to His Word.Today, reflect on the specific promises ofGod that you need to claim in your life.
Speak His promises over yourcircumstances, knowing that His Wordwill not return void.
What promises of God do I need to holdon to today?
How can I remind myself of God’spromises when doubt or fear arises?
Lord, thank You for Your unfailingpromises. I stand on Your Word todayand trust that You will fulfill everypromise You have made. Help me to remember Your faithfulness in every situation. Amen.